MVH/Local Police Collect Record Drugs
Monongahela Valley Hospital and the Carroll Township Police Department once again helped keep drugs of the streets during the semi-annual National Drug Take Back Day at MVH on Oct. 26.
"It was, by far, the largest Drug-Take-Back Day we have had since we began participating in the event many years ago," remarked Margaret Brown, PharmD., director of the Pharmacy at Monongahela Valley Hospital.
According to Ms. Brown, the collaborative event yielded 25 boxes of prescription and over-the-counter medications that totaled a record 477 pounds. Once the medications were collected, the law enforcement officers sealed the boxes, representatives from the Drug Enforcement Administration weighed the boxes and then safely disposed of the contents.
"We are amazed that we continue to collect large quantities of drugs from the community at each Drug Take Back event," Ms. Brown added.
In the spring, MVH became an authorized Drug-Take-Back site with the installation of a secure receptacle in the Waiting Room of the Emergency Department. The locked container is accessible 24/7. In addition, the service is free and anonymous. People who choose to use the confidential box at MVH should remove or black out all personal information before disposing of the medications. While liquid products and creams in containers with secured lids are accepted, sharps and syringes are not accepted due to the potential posed by blood-borne diseases.